Saturday, February 21, 2009

sat evening

Emily is fine. Two walks today of 8 laps each. These are a fairly big deal and everyone is pleased how strongly she is moving. She still uses the walker but hardly leans on it for support just to carry the stuff. 
We will gradually settle into a slower pace than the last few days. The next big step will be the removal of a chest tube. This is evaluated several times a day. The medical staff wants to be certain that there are no more air leaks in the new lungs or the connecting points. Today Emily was very tired, still not really sleeping or eating well yet. First visitors today.
She is actively reading blogs and Emails throughout the day. They definitely provide a lift and diversion from the medical grind.  



  1. just remember to take care of yourselves meaning sleep when and if you can, we will always be here so think about yourselves and rest. love, Gay

  2. thanks for the update. I'm so impressed with your progress, Emily...what an amazing gal you are.
    I'm busy trying to put up shelves with my new power drill. It took me 1 1/2 hrs. to put up one side of the thingys you attach the shelves to. Okay, okay...this is not my strong point. But, I'm determined. My pioneer spirit has been released, now that I'm living in the foothills.
    My love to you all...have a good sleep tonight. How wonderful to breathe deeply and restfully. I carry you in my prayers and in my heart.

  3. Emily, Keith and Peg --

    we're sending lots of love and healing energy to all of you, and would love to visit as Em gets better, and we're more happiness than stress/risk ;) i saw this today, and couldn't help but smile and think of all three of you...

    love love love, let us know if there's anything you need xoxo
    ~Taisha (and the B-R fam)

  4. Awesome! Keep up the good work Em...!

    For your daily entertainment, the cutest youtube video EVER of a little boy singing Hey Jude...

    Love you!

  5. Hello to all of you. Keep up the good work Em!
    Looking forward to hearing you got those chest tubes out. What a relief that will be! Keep on truckin'!!!
    lots of love,


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