Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finally, some pictures!! And a little vomiting story. ;)

Well, winding down from a rather long day. For the first time this morning my stomach decided it couldn't handle all of my new medications. At 9am I have to take about twenty different pills, a combination of anti-rejection and immunosuppression medications, plus a whole cocktail of vitamin and mineral supplements. The anti-rejection and immunosuppresants are really hard on your system, and they screw all around with your vitamin and mineral levels, so you have to take a bunch of supplements to replace what is being stripped from your system. I am also taking morphine, tylenol, and a muscle relaxant to manage my pain. And if that is not enough, I am also on an anti-fungal medication and several different antibiotics to help keep me clear of any infection while I recover from the surgery. One of the antibiotics I have to give intravenously through my PortaCath for three months. It is really strong nasty stuff, that the nurses in the hospital could only handle gloved and gowned, and now I get to inject straight into my blood stream. Kind of creepy.
Anyways, this toxic cocktail did not agree with me this morning. Even when I am super nauseous I take forever to actually throw up. So after two tortuous hours of hiccuping and gagging on the couch, I finally got to the point where things were ready to blow. I am a very loud and enthusiastic puker, and I prefer to be in the shower so that I can just let things fly and not worry about aiming for a bucket or the toilette bowl. So it was with great relief that I crawled into the shower and was able to relieve myself of a stomach full of undigested pills and my breakfast.
I always feel AMAZING after a good puke. Your system just feels relieved and cleansed of toxins, and there is something rather liberating about projectile vomiting across the shower. However, I do have one giant incision running from armpit to armpit right under my breast line and across my sternum (plus four rather large wounds, two on each side just below each breast where the chest tubes went in between my ribs) and my abs and intercostal muscles feel like they have been battered with a baseball bat, so as much as I wanted to throw up I new it had the potential to be VERY painful because all of those muscles, chest tube sites, and the giant incision would have to contract in order to vomit.
Fortunatly it proved to not be as paineful as it could. The benefit of throwing up in the shower is that you do not have to bend over, so I was able to stand upright hugging myself to brace and support my ribs.
Ahhhhh, sweet relief.
As good as it felt to get it all out upchucking all of those pills is not a good thing, because in fact I need them in my system to keep any rejection complications at bay. The Dr.'s expect you to hurl every now and then because it is an awful lot to dump into ones stomach, and then your body adapts over time, but it makes for an unpleasant transition period. 
After my shower I was able to get some chicken broth and saltines down, plus a pepsi to help settle things. The highlight of my day though was going to get my hair washed!!!! I got to take a shower once I was discharged from the hospital, but I can't lift my arms above my head so the prospect of washing, then blow drying and styling my hair proved to be daunting. To my great fortune my friend Ashley is in beauty school here in Seattle, and I was able to go in today and have her wash and blow dry my hair. Oh my God!!!! It was awesome!!! I had not washed my hair in over two weeks! I feel like a whole new person!!
After I got my hair done I was feeling well enough to go out to dinner, and was starving after eating virtually nothing all day. Peg, Nicky, and I went to an awesome little restaurant just around the corner from our condo, and happens to be managed by Ashley's husband Dani. Small world. It is called the 5-Spot, it was delicious, so if you ever find yourself in the Queen Anne district of Seattle, go check it out.
Anyways, now I am just sort of rambling. There was more than you probably ever wanted to know about Emily's adventures in puking, but this blog is full of all kinds of intimate details, so why stop now!!
I posted some pics of me with three of my main doctors, and a picture of my old lungs!!! Nicky found that picture of a healthy lung for comparison. As you can see my lungs were pretty far gone, and actually once they were out they proved that I was a lot sicker and in greater need of a transplant than most of us realized. Dr. Mulligan said that they had to drain off over a quart of pus from my lungs before they could even get started, and normally they don't have to do that. (A quart of puss?!! Ewwww!!!)
Enjoy the pics, I am putting together a slide show of sorts to show the entire hospital journey, so that should appear soon.
Love you all, hope I didn't gross you out too much!!!


  1. I so would have washed your hair for you! Maybe thrown in a few extensions...Glad to hear you got to get it done. Keep up the strength, I am just so happy for you!

  2. Well now! Wasn't that just a fine little reading to "digest" as I sat enjoying my first morning cuppa joe? Usually, its the columnist's page of the NY Times, which is a bit less graphic and alot less important! Here's the kicker though! I (and probably most everyone else reading this blog) am actually glad to hear all this stuff from you! We can't wait to here the latest EmmaStuff every morning, even if the discussion is something as swell as say, vomit! I guess after you've experienced a few potty setups on remote beaches where there is no intragroup privacy, nothing is sacred anymore. Boundaries are removed, and hardly anything is off limits.

    Glad to hear that you are getting out and about.


  3. Em, please don't spare the details of this most unbelievable journey for you and the rest of us, albeit vicariously. Your story and personal narrations have given us inspiration beyond your knowledge and imagination, and diluting the realities with polite euphemisms diminishes what you, Peg, Keith, Nicky and your able team of healthcare providers have done. When I read of your struggles and my own body responds with aches of empathy, I perhaps naively hope that my personal reaction and discomfort has been channeled from you and provides a measure of relief for you. Probably not, of course, but please keep the unvarnished, X rated version coming our way. If you can handle what you have for a quarter century, those of us who cannot be with you now can deal with the shower scene, which now that you have described it sounds quite practical. Think I might try it next time the need arises. Thanks for the tip.

  4. Alrighty then!!! The next time I have to puke I'm trying the Emily method.
    What ups and downs---from puking your guts out to going out for a nice dinner. Never a dull moment with Emily!!
    You are a very lucky girl to have so many wonderful friends. I enjoy reading all their posts and marvel at how much you are loved by so many.
    I'm looking forward to more pictures, they provide a bigger connection for those of us on the periphery of your life. I really hope you decide to visit Florida when you are better, we miss you at the reunions!!!
    Keep on truckin'.
    love ya,

  5. Emily, we love the 5-Spot too! Some Sunday morning have you parents take you to Salty's on Alki for the brunch. Wait until you are ready to gorge on seafood. There are a ton of great restaurants up on Queen Anne so be sure to get some walking in to keep your svelte figure. ;-)

    Love - the Kolbs

  6. Also, you MUST visit Kerry Park which is very near you. On Prospect or Highland just on the south side of Queen Anne. Incredible views of the city.

  7. A puke, a shower and a good meal. What more can a woman ask for?! I want to try out that restaurant when I'm in Seattle. It sounds good.
    Love to all of you, Colleen

  8. Too bad you can't put all those oral meds in a blender and make a smoothie with some fruit and yogurt! What an adventure you are on along with Peg, Keith and Nicky and all of us, your family and friends, as your cheering squad. And your Muskateers - their talent is an awesome thing. Your old lungs look like they've been barbecued. Thank God they found a match for you so quickly. It's amazing you were able to get enough oxygen into your system with those old ones. I can't even imagine how a nice deep breath feels to you! Keep the updates coming. We love you and your mom and your dad - what a guy!
    Aunt Patti

  9. I was hoping I'd get to see those old lungs sometime. I've been showing everyone who walks by. Look, Emily's old lungs! Amazing. Keep them. Your kids, Emily, will take them down from the top shelf in the hallway closet to show their friends. Imagine now, the look of those faces, say 15-20 years from now after they've seen the lungs and then you walk into the room.

  10. em, you are as beautiful as those old lungs are sad! It's so good to see your smiling face. Can't wait for the slide show.
    Love to you and Keith and Peg,

  11. Thank God for the 3 muskateers..unbelievable gifts and talents they lungs!!!!..sure was glad to see you had the 3 muskateers and not the 3 stooges (they were a team of surgeons I had once). I can even appreaciate your lil buddy (teddy bear). I had a baby alligator back in 1972 (when I was laid up for awhile after my accident)..don't remember why, or how, I ended up with a gator (maybe thought that was the only thing that would lay there as I long as I had to??)but it helped me get through...but now 30 something years later I can hardly afford to feed it...(just kiddin)..we ate it years ago...we continue to lift you in prayer and trust that through all this God really does have a plan and a purpose....May the peace of God be your portion today (as well with Keith & Peg)...take care lil cuz

  12. OMG! I love the 5-spot...and your Doctor is a total hottie!

  13. i love emily ramble. ramble away lady. after looking at the picture of you and your doc's i've decided the one on the right likes the fact that you think he's the hot one. your puking in the shower story took me back to one dinner at zenon we freaked out the waiter. what a relief to be able to get a bit of true pampering!!! i love you em. thinking of you all the time. our bracelet, that has never done this before gave me some strange rash so i've had to take it off, but the swirls are still imprinted there. it's my emily rash :) how's that for gross yet endearing. i love you em.

  14. I'm Katie McConville's mom, and I'm so glad she showed me the blog. I've been reading since the first day. You're a real inspiration to all CF families. I will always be grateful that you and your family have been so open with your journey. I read every day and cheer for you. You are all in my prayers. Can't wait for the slide show. Eileen McConville

  15. Glad to see you are doing better and better! I have been Loving this page and today's was great! Keep up the good work!


  16. Hello Beautiful!
    Oh man, what a way to describe throwing up!! Your quite a story teller! I love it ;)
    I have been working all weekend and dying to get online to check this blog! Thank you for keeping us all up to date.
    I love you!

  17. what's up with you today, miss em? I hope you are getting to go outside some and that the weather is nice enough there.
    big hugs, Kathy

  18. Emily -
    No problem with the gruesome details. I'm just glad to hear that you have solutions to difficult situations! The pictures are great. I absolutely cannot fathom those shriveled up awful lungs.
    Looking forward to the slide show.
    I can't believe you are already out and about - eating in restaurants, even! Be well -
    Deb Chapman

  19. Hey Emily,
    It never occured to me to puke in the shower but now it makes perfect sense after your detailed description of the event! That must have been some tork on your incision line. Thank you for sharing keep the stories coming.
    Love the photos, looking forwrd to the slide show.
    What do you know about your donor? How often do you go back to see the hot doctors?
    Wishing you peaceful dreams and restful sleep,

  20. we are so happy for u praying for ya'll
    love from Savannah,Ga

  21. Linda,Debbie Jewel,Kim and all of the family have been keeping up we love ya'll and pray for ya'll. Emily u are a very special,beautiful woman
    love from Savannah,Ga

  22. hm... and the dinner i am heading to just started to sound a lot less appealing... nah, just kidding, love. that sounded awful, but it sounds like you've recovered from that ordeal at the very least. glad to hear it! i sent a hug for you along with brooke. so when you first see her be sure to get at least two. or you could just make it a really really extra long hug, as i'm sure hers will be very long anyways. i miss you SO SO much, emily! i'll be home before you know it! keep kicking ass!

  23. Ummm gross but fascinating. Meer and Tom were over here last night for dinner (that's right! I'm back in Eugene...woohoo!) and we were talking about this post. Just the most appetizing, I'm sure :)

    Love you! See you soon!!!



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