Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hello Loved Ones!!! 
Well, I have finally come out of my morphine fog long enough for my Dad to show and explain about this wonderful blog that has begun.
I will start posting my own accounts too,  but seeing that it is 3am, I thought I would just publish under Keith and say a quick hello!!!!

I love you all so much, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! For all of the support, healing energy, prayers, meditation, and love you have been sending our way. 
I ca 't even begin to explain what it feel like to breathe with new lungs. I don't cough! Can you believe that?!?! Me NOT coughing!!!! It is incredible!!! 
It is also kind of weird because it is so different than the past twenty-five years, and I have an epidural, so I can't feel the majority of my torso anyways.
We have already had some medical and personal experiences, and we are only on day three. The insanely high doses of prednisone that I have to take are REALLY rough on the hormones, so I have been prone to random fits of crying. I also had a total momentary break down and called one of the the nurses "nurse Ratchet" and kicked her out of my room.( If Keith hasn't already told that story, I will tell you more later.)
Today was the first day I was allowed to get up and go for a walk, so I went for two walks. I also have a new fascination with Jello, and just can't seem to get enough sugar-free snack cups to save my life.
Okay, I HAVE to go to sleep now. I have been awake since 5:30am with a non-stop stream of doctors, nursed, chest x-rays, lab draws, eating copious amounts of jello, trying to take a nap, not trying to think about sushi, going for TWO walks, and acting like a crazy person who has crazy amounts of crazy drugs pumping through her system.

I think Keith and Peg need especially need your help now. When I was still intubated I ended up punching both of them because they couldn't read my handwriting. On multiple occasions I have been transposing words, like calling the sink a bathroom, and the bathroom a sink. Last night I still had an IV in my left radial artery (not vein, but artery so they can get consistent blood gas levels.) And mine refused to stop bleeding and the poor nurse had to change the bandage like eight times. Before I came too after the surgery they had to restrain me to the bed because I kept on trying to rip out my ventilator( the machine that breathes for you until the new lungs are breathing their own . I also keep professing my love to the pharmacy tech who delivers my morphine.
I am sure my folks and Nicky have mane more funny antidotes from the last few days.
Thank you all again for everything you have done for us to help us get through this process.
I REALLY look forward to seeing the folks that are headed up here relatively soon!!! An others, I look forward to  seeing you back at home, or wherever our paths cross again.
I can Breath, i can breath! OMG! I can breathe!! Yippee, hurrah, hip, hip, hooray!!( If Keith wasn't sound asleep in the chair next to me I would actually be shouting out) Maybe tomorrow.


  1. Emily, this is so cool. I know your inbox is probably overflowing, but look for an invite at your gmail account to become an author of this blog.

  2. EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! So good to hear your voice, if even through writing! I am trying not to cry in the middle of work here (I think my co-workers think I'm weird because I'm randomly laughing or tearing up) but I am so incredibly happy for you, and also so grateful that this has all happened so fast.

    I love you! Can't wait to hear the next post. I am counting down the days until I get to come see you.

  3. EMILY'S BACK!!! WOWEEEE!!! Quite a 1st entry too. Can you belive this time warped week? What about long ago does it seem like? Congratulations on your new breathers, I can't wait to do some power yoga with you!
    love always in everyway,

  4. There she is!!!! oh, darlin. so good to hear from you. i'm ecstatic that you feel well enough to write!! yay for jello! Any particular flavor? I’m overflowing with happiness and gratitude. I’m gonna come see you over a weekend whenever you stop punching people :) I love you Em. Keep it up! I can't wait to see Keith’s imitation or pictures of your speedy bionic grandma walk. I'm thinking of you all day today. JOY! BREATHE DEEP! LOVE!

  5. Way to go em! Best news on the planet! We are waiting to here more and savoring every word!


  6. Well, I can see now that there was no transplant of personality. You are still you, just a bit happier! As much as I like reading what Keith has to say, this kind of takes the cake!

    Keep on forgin' on Emmarose. You're one of a kind!

    Love, Kent

  7. Well, is the pharmacy tech cute? Cause you might just be on to something...

    What an excellent way to start my day. I can't wait to have the stories recounted around the dinner table. Sounds like there is a little bit of the rogue patient still in you. =)

    Peg, Nicky, and Keith - Remember to sleep and eat. You are all amazing.


  8. Impressive.

    It has taken longer for me to decide the paint color for the bathroom than for you to be de-lunged, re-lunged, fall in love, speak a new language, begin and end relationships, and knock out Keith (sleeping?.....ha!), while dining on gourmet food and dragging a junk yard across the parking lot with one hand tied behind your back I'm sure.

    All our best to you and to Keith and Peg. You are so fortunate to have such supportive parents. I hope you pull some of your punches now.

    Come test those breathers with us in the Maui air. Sorry next week is not good for me, I need to pick out paint colors.

    Cousin Billy

  9. Lots of tears of joy in Eugene for ALL of you up in Seattle! Emily's progress is so amazing - just a few short days from struggled breathing to a future with great possibilities. Love to all - Pat, Randy, Jean and Lynn

  10. Emily!!!
    So so great to hear directly from you! I'm taking off on a trip this week and won't have as much internet (to check on you religiously) so I'm so happy you hopped on to say hello to everyone who is thinking about you all the time and who cares about you so much! Yay!!!! When I was reading earlier (crying in the middle of the teachers lounge) it was about the time that you were awake. I'm sure you can't get phone calls, but I was scheming.
    Harass as much as you want while you have an excuse. It's not everyday that one gets to berate and abuse someone for no reason at all (as long as it doesn't get in the way of them taking care of you!). Plus you'll have more great stories to tell. I love you, Emily! I'll be in touch again soon!

  11. Awesome Emily! That is really good to hear.

    Cousin Chris Burke

  12. Wow Em, Now that was the story telling I was waiting for! Keith you do an incredible job but only Extremily can deliver that kind of detail. I see where you get your story telling skills from but each of you have your very own way of describing the same situation. I bet you even have a warning sign on your chart outside, caution patient can be dangerous!!!! Thats awesome Em way to go. Love you, hugs all around DK

  13. Emily, darling, it's sooooo good to hear from you! We all love Keiths posts but hearing from you is makes us all feel a little better. Punched out the folks huh? I'm sure they'll get over it!! We love you guys soo much and are so happy you are up and walking. What a miracle you are. I hope Orlando is on your itinerary when you start your travels again.
    Jello shots for everyone!!!!!

  14. Emily!
    You are so amazing. We feel so honored to be included in your blog and on all your emails. We read each morning and are amazed by you and your family. I have never seen such a support system.
    LOVE and HUGS from Kelsie & Kyle McGee!

  15. Hi Emily! So wonderful to 'hear' your words again, and we are so grateful for the phenominal progress you are making. Sending lots of healing vibes and Lots of Love,
    Dave & Kelly Oatman

  16. Emily, it's so wonderful to hear from you and about you and the your miracle. Now that I see how this works, I am going to go down and change my license to DONOR. We love you and wish you a speedy recovery. Jim Chapman

  17. As with everyone else we look for the morning update and how thrilling it was to hear from you Emily. We are sending you lots of healing vibes,love and will continue follow your progress.Love,Gay,Bob,Darby,Chelsea,Brittany and Natira

  18. emily you are amazing, a inspiration i cannot epress enough! You have so much strenght and courage i look up to you so much! thank you for showing so many including myself how to live life right with joy, enthusiasm, and love. Can't wait to see u and your enw lungs when i coem home

  19. Emily!
    People around me are probably wondering why I'm getting emotional in the law library right now, but I'll let them wonder. Welcome back!!! You continue to be a source of inspiration and amazement to us all. I mean, law school isn't fun, but I'll be damned if I ever complain about it to you! Enjoy the walking and the breathing and know that people literally all over the world are thinking about you and this miracle right now.
    Josh Walker

  20. Alright miss emily!!! Sounds as if those little fists pack quite the punch. Keith make sure to put some frozen peas on that eye! I'm so proud of you Em, can't believe all of this, seems like it's all just happening so quickly! At the bakes right now typing on this rediculous little phone, I look like Andre the Giant playing a game boy, much love too all of you!!! -Brother Bear

  21. AWESOME, em!

    I think of you like the little kid in the movie, looking at the picture, taking a deep breath, and going for it!! Enjoy those deep breaths!
    I am impressed at your determination to have a really good excuse not to send me off to Honduras! You better believe I will be flying with a huge smile on my face. Lots of love to you all! -Darby

  22. Emily, I have always been amazed at your strength and courage and grace. And you have just taken it into hyperspace! (Although it sounds like the grace part may have a few wrinkles... :) Nothing everyone doesn't understand!

    It is so good to "hear" you so articulate and coherent after all you have been through. The words "breathe" have taken on a whole new meaning! I know you feel all the love surrounding you, Keith and Peg. May it feed you as needed (you can't live on jello alone). Hugs to you all. Don't hesitate to ask for anything.
    Loads of love, Lorinda

  23. Hi Emily!
    It's Jaime Harder from Artisan Books in NYC! Rosanne told me about your surgery and I am thrilled beyond words for you! You are such an inspiration to me and never cease to amaze me! I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Keep writing and BREATHING!
    xoxox, Jaime

  24. Yahoo! From the Scherer's, Robert, Terry, Emily Rose and Sam. Love ya and are so happy for you! More river adventures coming up!

  25. Emily! I guess I have been living under a rock in the Bay Area - because I just caught word of your transplant - and I (hooray!) just discovered this blog. You are incredible, love. You will certainly be in my prayers - looking forward to more gorgeous shots of you on fbook once you get around to traveling the world again. And I look forward to seeing you sometime soon - maybe in Eugene, maybe on a beach or river somewhere, but wherever it is, I can't wait to see your beautiful smile. XOXO - Jade


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