Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday morning 09-14-09

Briefly, yesterday was pretty routine as hospital days go. Emily DCed her on demand pump for pain meds. This is always a big step as you are casting off the quick IV pain relief and relying on only oral meds. Also, another unit of blood was given late in the evening to try and get things back  up to stronger levels. Today  is a broncoscophy and if all is well discharge this evening.  


  1. Alright! Crossing my fingers for Em and everyone's safe return back to Eugene. Hope to hear continued progress and discharge!

  2. Hey guys! Hope that all goes well and Em gets discharged. Thanks for the updates, Keith, and I hope all goes well today!


  3. Thinking about you! xoxo, Lizo

  4. Thanks for keeping us up to date while Emily is on the mend. I go to the support group at UW and was really impressed with her, so chipper and encouraged after her transplant. She has been in my thoughts frequently.

  5. Glad to hear Em's getting weaned from her pain meds. Hopefully, post-surgery 'gunkiness' is going away and today's tests will result in her being discharged. Em's always come out on top when it comes to besting any nasty germs, infections, set-backs, ... . Let us know when you'll be back in Eugene.

  6. Emily and Fam: You help us believe that prayers really work. What a network of concern. Come back to all of us. Love, Mike, Pam, and your buddy Amy.


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