Saturday, September 12, 2009

09-12-09 justabout mid night pacific time.

 Emily is still at UWMC. As always seems to be the case the ride has is ups and downs. Recovery from surgery is progressing nicely. With the chest tube out and the incision on the mend.  The significant step that was taken early this morning was first the stopping of meds by epidural and then removing the epidural from Emily's back. This is always a pretty big step, after the transplant it was a rough transition but today has been good. The post surgical pain is at a reasonable level. It will be a while before Emily knows if the repaired herniation has relieved some of that pain. So, that part is good. Not as good is that for the past couple of days Em has been having some real difficulty breathing. This is a surprise, since having her transplant that has not been an issue. She has been having to do inhalation and percussive therapies. Walking has also been a challenge because of breathlessness. The hope is that this is just post surgery gunkiness which can bother anyone. Tomorrow will bring some more evaluation and on monday a probable broncoscophy to check for infection or rejection.  Having neither would be good. Discharge from here could be as early as Sun or who knows. Some other tubes have been DCed and tonight was the first post surgical shower, that  was was, I think a blissful moment as at the hospital you can have all the hot water that you desire. We also had a fun moment today when Emily Skyped with a bunch of family members back in Detroit where they are celebrating my Aunt Doris' 90th birthday. From hospital room to the motor city, who would have thunk it.  Night all, bed time on the west coast, gotta get some shut eye before the morning xray.  


  1. A hot shower can do wonders for the soul! Our thoughts and prayers will be with you especially on Monday when your wonderful doctors figure out whats going on with your new lungs. We love you all!!

  2. Hi again, Emily, Peg and Keith. I've been praying for you much today, and sending some positive Reiki energy as well. All my nun friends send loads of love and prayers. May tomorrow bring an easier time breathing and peace of heart once you know some answers about how your lungs are doing. Love you MUCH, Emily!!!!! --Gina

  3. Hospital showers rule for 2 reasons....the endless hot water, and the seat that's in there. I bet that felt great. I hope the breathing issues resolve soon. But otherwise it sounds like you're doing good!! Keep up the good work.

  4. Emily and family.....your posts keep us all on our toes like a PD James mystery! One minute I am celebrating the cessation of your epidural and your walk with Jean and the next I am in tears because you are having difficulty breathing. I loved the image of breathing in Peace and Light and breathing out stress......we are all doing that with you and for you, Emily. much love, Brenda

  5. sending hopeful thoughts for being let out of there soon. thinking of all three of you.

  6. Hope the appt. with the pulmonologist went well!! xoxo Lizo. (and pant pant from Gus)


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