Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3rd 2016 .....UWMC........brief update.....from keith

    Its Monday here is a quick update. We have been scrambling since the last post. The last post had some info about the 48H PH study with the capsule in Emily's esophagus. The study had to be stopped at about 30H because of severe reflux which caused terrible burning pain.  Emily was discharged on Thursday evening and the pain continued throughout the next day. By early evening it was just not ok and with a lot of calls it was arranged for Emily to be readmitted directly to the hospital. Not through ER. Admission was at 10:00 at night on Friday just as the UW game was over. (The UWMC is next to the stadium) We were like a spawning salmon going against the flow. First the traffic cops would flag us down and then clear the way. We got her checked in and by about 3:00  in the morning she had a reasonable level of pain control. There was a drug reaction which caused uncontrolled muscle spasms mixed in just to keep things exciting. Since then the reflux is reasonably controlled and yesterday was able to eat for the first time since Wednesday.

    This is all in preparation for the potential surgery on Tuesday morning. Tomorrow. This is the Nissen Fundoplication  surgery. Rearranging the top of the stomach to prevent reflux. This is a major surgery with a long recovery time. The major concern is that with reduced lung function Emily is considered at high risk for surgery. However it is also the considered opinion that to protect the lungs the reflux must be controlled. Rock and a hard place. A lot of very good and skilled folks have been giving her there attention. As of late Monday afternoon the surgery is a go.

    The plan is for surgery early tomorrow and then one or more days post op at UWMC. Then we will wait a few days to rest and be near the medical team here. Once Emily feels strong enough we will drive back home to Eugene for prolonged recovery.

    Send good thoughts  Emily's way tomorrow we all think that they help.


  1. Good vibes to Em every day but especially right now and through tomorrow. I know you are all exhausted. I wish I could show up to relieve you. I sent Mary some prints I had made of Em from the newspaper article a while back. She wanted a print of it to carry in her wheel chair to show people. Another print was of her & D and K & J in the pontoon, on some raging river, headed for a huge boulder. They're all cracking up laughing as it appears they are about to die. And the other print is of the brilliant yellow flowers (some kind of peanuts?) that bloom on the way to Beacon Hill house. We stopped once and took pictures of them for the purpose of sending her a print, so I finally did!
    So, Mary will get a nice little surprise this week.
    Hang in there, we are all pulling for you & keeping the positive thoughts & vibes flowing your way.
    Love you, Kathy

  2. Best of luck tomorrow and ongoing. We are all thinking and hoping for you. Go Emily!
    Kip and Sally


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