Sunday, September 4, 2016

Well my worst fear about sinus surgery has been realized: I have the migraine from hell. Good news is my sats are back up to 97% on room air!!! (I was hovering at 92%). I am hardly needing the oxygen and I can breath SO well through my nose. It's crazy. I don't remember ever being able to breath like this through my nose. (I probably could as a small child, but that was a long time ago and I lacked the foresight to appreciate it in the moment).
On the less glamorous side of this diseases I am fighting off a bowel blockage. Chronic constipation is just part of CF but then you add and  narcotics for post surgical pain and you have a recipe for disaster. (If you e never taken narcotics before constipation is one of the main side affects). I am trying to keep popping with max doses of miralax (that is the over the counter white powder you see a lot of commercials for in relation to IBS), magnesium citrate, and prune juice. (Prunes are magic for constipation). I have  a round of Go-Lightly waiting for me at the pharmacy (that is the bowel prep for colonoscopies) if shit goes really sideways (heheheh) I am tolerating the norco (pain med) okay (everyone was worried if I would be able to keep pain meds down after my hellacious time in post op), but even though it not making me sick and doing its job for pain it shuts down your guts. One of the many Catch-22's of chronic illness life. All and all its just a wild party of constipation, migraine management, and bloody nasal lavages. Exciting times at Casa de Monfort.


  1. Emily, Glad to hear that you are breathing easier, but sad to hear that you have the migraine. Thanks for visiting Talana in the hospital. I am sorry that I missed seeing you. Mary Lyda

  2. Hi Emily....There appears to be no end to the ways you can go through hell. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. Your and Keith and Peg are the toughest people I know. I'm keeping Vicki, Sherry, and Aunt Mary updated on all of your issues. We are thinking of you all.

  3. I'm glad to hear you got one good perk for going through another round of crap, that is, being able to nose breathe, and I hope more good things will come as result of the surgery. Still coming to the sunny state soon?


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